Dead Dog Prop at Walmart

This is a bit repulsive in my book but we have to post it just because it is listed on the Walmart site and it is a WTF moment. Are they serious? We could maybe expect this in some hole in the wall costume shop or some strange creative costume in a parade or maybe not at all? Very strange.

“You have seen bloody road kill, this is bloody road kill, Foam filled latex prop of a skinned dog with a large tire track squished through its mid torso, Chain attached for dragging purposes”

See it listed here on the Walmart site-

Here are some comments from the Walmart costume page on this:
If I may say that this product is repulsive and disgusting. I understand that Halloween is a holiday meant for scary and gruesome props, but don’t you think this is crossing the line? It makes animal cruelty (i.e. “skinned”) seem like entertainment. Not to mention, as someone who lost a dog in a car accident, I can also add that it’s offensive. I know it’s meant to be a lighthearted prop, but it really isn’t. I’d like to respectfully ask that you take this product off the shelves, and off your site.